
Optimisez vos stocks, améliorez la prévision de la demande et ayez une logistique efficace avec Slimstock

Les solutions avancées de gestion des stocks de Slimstock avec IA transforment les opérations logistiques. En tirant parti d'outils de pointe pour l'optimisation des stocks, la prévision de la demande et le contrôle des stocks, Slimstock permet aux entreprises de réduire les stocks excédentaires, d'éviter les ruptures et d'améliorer l'efficacité globale de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Obtenez la durabilité et la résilience de votre chaîne d'approvisionnement grâce à l'expertise éprouvée et à l'approche innovante de Slimstock.

Découvrez nos solutions

Avec plus de 30 ans d'expertise, Slimstock aide les entreprises à optimiser leurs stocks. Qule que soit votre industrie, nous avons la solution et les algorythmes.

Aujourd'hui, plus de 1 500 entreprises comptent sur nous pour améliorer leur rentabilité, améliorer leur efficacité et réduire le gaspillage et les pertes.

Increase in sales Up to 5 % - icon Augmentation des ventes jusqu'à 5%
Reduction in inventory Up to 30 % - icon Réduction des niveaux de stock jusqu'à 30%
Efficiency improvement Up to 50 % - icon Amélioration de la productivité des process jusqu'à 50%
Less waste Up to 50 % - icon Réduction du gaspillage de 50%
Better margin 
rate - icon Meilleur taux de marge
logistic cost optimization 
reduced by 30% - icon Optimisation et réduction des coûts logistiques de 30%
Fewer stock-outs Up to 30 % - icon Diminution des ruptures de 30%

Pour rester au top, vous avez besoin d'une chaine logistique efficace!

Atteindre l’excellence opérationnelle devrait se faire sans effort. C'est pourquoi nous avons créé notre plateforme primée Slim4, simplifiant la planification de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Grâce à des capacités basées sur l'IA, Slim4 transforme les processus S&OE, S&OP et IBP. Approuvé par les grossistes, les détaillants et les fabricants, Slim4 optimise l'efficacité de votre chaîne d'approvisionnement, vous aidant ainsi à obtenir des résultats très rapidement.

S & OE Sales and operations execution - icon Ventes et opérations

Planning de la demande et réappro

S & OP Sales & Operations Planning - icon Ventes et planification

Aligne les opérations avec votre stratégie achat

E2E Supply Chain Management - icon Logistique de bout en bout

Gérer toutes les étapes de la supply chain pour optimiser l'efficacité

Ventes et solutions de planification

Alignez sans effort l’offre et la demande pour offrir le service exceptionnel que vos clients méritent.

Make more profitable assortment decisions - icon Prenez des décisions pour rendre votre assortiment plus rentable

La fonctionnalité S&OE de Slimstock vous permet de gérer efficacement des millions de SKU, en optimisant leur niveau de stock pour obtenir la combinaison de produits parfaite sur chaque site. En tirant parti d'outils avancés de prévision de la demande et d'optimisation des stocks, Slimstock minimise le risque de rupture et réduit les stocks excédentaires, garantissant ainsi une chaîne d'approvisionnement rationalisée et efficace.

Maximise margins throughout the product lifecycle - icon Optimise les marges tout au long du cycle de vie du produit

Bénéficiez d’une visibilité complète sur l’ensemble de votre assortiment avec Slimstock. Optimisez chaque phase du cycle de vie du produit pour maximiser les marges et minimiser le risque d’obsolescence grâce à des outils avancés de gestion des stocks et de prévision de la demande.

Improve forecast accuracy - icon Améliorez la précision de vos prévisions

Les puissantes capacités de prévision de Slimstock vous permettent de recueillir des informations sur l'ensemble de votre entreprise, créant ainsi une image plus claire et plus précise de la demande future.

Boost the efficiency of your replenishment operation - icon Boostez l'efficacité de vos réappros

Automatisez vos routines de flux de réapprovisionnement avec Slimstock tout en gardant un contrôle total. Réapprovisionnez avec précision les stocks tout au long de votre chaîne d'approvisionnement pour maximiser la satisfaction des clients, minimiser les stocks excédentaires et éliminer les ruptures de stock.

Mitigate risk through intelligent allocation - icon Modérez le risque grace à des allocations produits intelligentes

Équipez votre équipe avec les informations nécessaires pour prendre des décisions d'allocation plus judicieuses. Les capacités S&OE de Slimstock prennent en compte de manière autonome la demande anticipée, les promotions, les événements et la rareté des produits pour optimiser efficacement les allocations de stocks sur l'ensemble de votre réseau.

Balance inventory throughout your supply chain - icon Repartissez les stocks intelligemment à travers toute la chaine

Optimisez les niveaux de stocks tout au long de votre chaîne d'approvisionnement pour minimiser les coûts tout en garantissant le plus haut niveau de service à vos clients. Ni trop ni trop peu pour chaque référence dans chaque magasin, basé sur le potentiel de vente.

Ventes et prévision de la demande


Explore multiple scenarios to support effective decision-making - icon Explorez plusieurs scénarios pour prendre la meilleure des décisions

Anticipez et adaptez-vous au changement grâce au moteur de simulation robuste de Slim4. Simulez instantanément plusieurs scénarios pour évaluer l’impact sur les risques et les opportunités, éclairer vos décisions stratégiques et atténuer de manière proactive les ruptures de stock et surstocks.

Review your demand at any given hierarchy - icon Adaptez vos niveaux d'offre à n'importe quel niveau de votre hiérarchie produit

Comparez la demande réelle avec vos prévisions de ventes pour évaluer les performances à tous les niveaux de votre entreprise et de vos offres produits. Identifiez les tendances émergentes pour améliorer la précision des prévisions et obtenir un meilleur alignement entre les ventes et l’approvisionnement.

Safeguard supply against disruption - icon Protéger l’approvisionnement contre les perturbations

Surveillez votre approvisionnement actuel et projeté en temps réel. Équilibrez de manière proactive les stocks avec la demande pour atténuer les risques, réduire les coûts et améliorer la satisfaction des clients.

Build a more profitable portfolio - icon Construisez un portfolio plus rentable

Bénéficiez d’une visibilité complète sur les performances de l’ensemble de votre portefeuille. Alignez les décisions relatives aux produits avec vos objectifs commerciaux pour maximiser la rentabilité et créer un portefeuille qui trouve un écho auprès de vos clients.

Proactively close performance gaps - icon Devenez proactif pour combler les vides de performances

Suivez vos performances réelles par rapport aux budget pour identifier toute lacune. Avec la plateforme S&OP de Slim4, exploitez les informations sur les données pour résoudre les écarts et découvrir de nouvelles opportunités d'amélioration.

Planification de bout en bout

Rationalisez votre planification de bout en bout pour améliorer vos performances tout au long de votre chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Improve flexibility with multi-echelon & multi horizon planning - icon Améliorez la flexibilité grâce à une planification multi-échelons et multi-horizons

Optimisez votre inventaire à plusieurs niveaux de la chaîne d’approvisionnement pour des performances optimales. Planifiez avec une granularité détaillée pour améliorer la réactivité à court terme. Regroupez rapidement les informations pour une planification précise à long terme.

Respond in real-time via the control tower - icon Réagissez en temps réel grace à notre tour de contrôle

Anticipez et atténuez les problèmes inattendus de demande et d’approvisionnement de manière proactive grâce à des alertes automatisées. Ces alertes sont déclenchées par une analyse proactive des niveaux de stocks, des commandes entrantes et de la demande des clients, garantissant ainsi un impact minimal sur la satisfaction client.

Enhance visibility with adaptive ‘what-if’ scenarios - icon Améliorez la visibilité grâce à des scénarios de simulation adaptatifs

Exploitez les capacités avancées de jumelage numérique de Slimstock pour explorer rapidement plusieurs scénarios et obtenir des informations précieuses pour répondre efficacement aux perturbations de la chaîne d’approvisionnement.

Eliminate Disconnected Technology - icon Éliminez la technologie déconnectée

Donnez à votre équipe une plateforme parfaitement intégrée pour une planification améliorée de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. L'approche unifiée de Slimstock élimine les process technologiques disjoints, garantissant une planification de bout en bout plus efficace.

Visualise KPIs that make a difference - icon Obtenez les KPIs qui font la différence

La planification de bout en bout de Slimstock offre une visibilité immédiate sur les KPI et les mesures de performance au niveau du planificateur, de la division, local ou mondial. Associées à des informations contextuelles, ces informations vous permettent de prendre des décisions efficaces.

Découvrez comment nos solutions optimisées pour chaque industrie soutiennent chaque étape de la chaîne d'approvisionnement

MRO icon MRO


Achieve operational excellence Enhance productivity and elevate service

Reduce costs
 Streamline processes to cut supply chain costs Logo

Reduce costs
 Streamline processes to cut supply chain costs

Eliminate costly planning errors to reduce bottlenecks and prevent excess buildup. Leverage robust data insights to optimize manufacturing workflows, saving both time and money.

Improve customer satisfaction
 Become more responsive to customer demand Logo

Improve customer satisfaction
 Become more responsive to customer demand

Secure critical component availability amidst supply chain volatility. Precisely forecast both dependent and independent demand to ensure timely delivery of customer orders as committed.

Efficient purchasing
 Determine the optimal order volume for every component Logo

Efficient purchasing
 Determine the optimal order volume for every component

Enhance strategic purchasing decisions by considering all supplier constraints. Minimize freight costs while maximizing rebate opportunities and leveraging volume discounts effectively 3.5


Achieve superior service with minimal stock levels Comprehensive inventory optimization tailored for wholesale distributors

Increase profitability  Strike the balance between industry-leading service & minimised costs Logo

Increase profitability Strike the balance between industry-leading service & minimised costs

Empower your planning team to make strategic inventory decisions. Prioritize essential products to ensure exceptional customer service while optimizing supply chain costs.

Improve operational efficiency  Drive efficiency improvements throughout your network Logo

Improve operational efficiency Drive efficiency improvements throughout your network

Automate inventory processes for rapid and precise planning of thousands of SKUs. Replace reactive firefighting with proactive, exception-based workflows that enable your team to prioritize their efforts where they are most impactful.

Enhance visibility  Anticipate future demand with confidence Logo

Enhance visibility Anticipate future demand with confidence

Gain a reliable forecast of future demand with robust predictions trusted across your entire business. Utilize data-driven insights to maintain high availability, preventing lost sales, excess inventory, and waste.


Unified omnichannel retailing Deliver the perfect stock, precisely where and when it's needed

Increase sales Logo

Increase sales

Achieve optimal inventory levels across your entire network to ensure exceptional on-shelf availability. Replenish stock swiftly and efficiently to eliminate stockouts and maximize sales, accelerating your return on investment in stock.

Eliminate waste Logo

Eliminate waste

Optimize inventory allocation across all channels to surpass customer expectations with minimized stock. Eliminate planning errors to avoid excess inventory buildup, costly internal transfers, and lost sales, maximizing full-price sell-through.

Greater insight Logo

Greater insight

Consider promotional spikes, events, seasonality, and emerging trends to automatically generate robust demand forecasts for every product. Stay agile in response to demand volatility with adaptive daily planning tailored to distribution centers, warehouses, stores, and web shops.


Maximise sales Prevent stock-outs & backorders to smash your OTIF targets Logo

Maximise sales Prevent stock-outs & backorders to smash your OTIF targets

Achieve seamless alignment of supply and demand through agile forecasting. Factor in emerging trends, upcoming events, and promotions to ensure impeccable availability.

Reduce risk Remove the guesswork from critical supply chain decisions Logo

Reduce risk Remove the guesswork from critical supply chain decisions

Enhance strategic decision-making for new product launches, evolving product lifecycles, and assortment changes to reduce freight costs and avoid excess inventory buildup.

Improve efficiency Instantly plan thousands of SKU as you minimise supply chain costs Logo

Improve efficiency Instantly plan thousands of SKU as you minimise supply chain costs

Utilize customer purchasing behavior, returns, and other critical supply chain events to automatically determine the optimal inventory levels for every SKU.


Unmatched reliability Ensure flawless availability while reducing operational costs

Eliminate risk Reduce excess, obsolescence & waste Logo

Eliminate risk Reduce excess, obsolescence & waste

Harness data-driven insights to optimize the success of new product launches. Monitor evolving product lifecycles closely and take proactive measures to minimize excess inventory, obsolescence, and waste.

Never ‘out of stock’ Prevent stockouts & backorders Logo

Never ‘out of stock’ Prevent stockouts & backorders

Achieve precise alignment of supply and demand through responsive forecasting. Consider target service levels, emerging trends, and key customer orders to ensure impeccable availability.

Optimise working capital Unlock cash tied up in stock Logo

Optimise working capital Unlock cash tied up in stock

Achieve up to a 25% reduction in inventory levels by reallocating your working capital investment to prioritize products that are most important to your customers.


Navigate the dynamic automotive landscape with Slimstock. Amidst rising customer expectations, industry consolidation, and an influx of new aftermarket parts, tires, and components, supply chains face unprecedented challenges. Embrace digital transformation with our AI-powered planning platform to drive profitable growth and enhance customer satisfaction in this evolving industry.

Increase profitability Take control of your assortment to increase sales & cut costs. Logo

Increase profitability Take control of your assortment to increase sales & cut costs.

Automatically implement the optimal inventory policy for each item in your assortment. Monitor evolving product lifecycles to mitigate excess buildup while maximizing sales through improved availability.

Improve customer satisfaction Exceed customer expectations to set the industry service standard. Logo

Improve customer satisfaction Exceed customer expectations to set the industry service standard.

Achieve the ideal balance of high availability and optimized costs. Dynamically replenish inventory across your network to fulfill customer orders on time, while efficiently managing working capital invested in stock.

Enhance visibility Gain instant end to end visibility with robust demand forecasting. Logo

Enhance visibility Gain instant end to end visibility with robust demand forecasting.

Automate demand forecasting for thousands of SKUs, considering volatility, evolving trends, and seasonality. Proactively anticipate supply chain disruptions before they impact your operations.


Unmatched reliability Setting the industry standard in service

Reduce your carbon footprint Minimise Co2 & waste throughout your network Logo

Reduce your carbon footprint Minimise Co2 & waste throughout your network

Achieve supply and demand synchronization to eliminate excess and obsolescence. Foster seamless collaboration with suppliers and customers to optimize orders, delivery schedules, and container loads, thereby reducing emissions and logistics costs.

Improve efficiency Automate planning for your entire assortment Logo

Improve efficiency Automate planning for your entire assortment

Take into account volatility, seasonality and emerging trends to build robust forecasts for every item. Automatically apply dynamic target service levels and supplier constraints to ensure the right stock, at the right place, at the right time

Cut costs Strike the balance between unbeatable service & minimised costs Logo

Cut costs Strike the balance between unbeatable service & minimised costs

Incorporate volatility, seasonality, and emerging trends to develop robust forecasts for each item. Automatically apply dynamic target service levels and supplier constraints to ensure optimal stock availability, precisely where and when it's needed.


Enhance Customer Satisfaction 
Increase availability to deliver a truly customer-centric experience

Improve efficiency Automate planning for your entire assortment Logo

Improve efficiency Automate planning for your entire assortment

Harness AI to automatically identify seasonal spikes, demand anomalies, and promotional uplifts. Adjust inventory levels dynamically for thousands of SKUs with minimal manual intervention, saving both time and money.

Enhance visibility Responsive forecasting for fast & effective decision-making Logo

Enhance visibility Responsive forecasting for fast & effective decision-making

Consider specific demand profiles, emerging trends, and critical customer orders to swiftly develop robust forecasts for every item. Instantly explore multiple scenarios to determine the optimal actions for meeting demand on time and in full.

Increase your profitability Boost sales through better availability as you cut costs Logo

Increase your profitability Boost sales through better availability as you cut costs

Implement dynamic inventory replenishment across your network to ensure impeccable availability of key products. Automatically apply optimal inventory policies to achieve the highest service levels while minimizing excess and obsolescence.


Achieve maximum full-price sell-through Deliver seamless customer experiences with perfect availability and minimal waste

Maximise sales Prevent stock-outs with fast & accurate fashion merchandising Logo

Maximise sales Prevent stock-outs with fast & accurate fashion merchandising

Increase sales across all channels by enhancing availability. Automatically determine the optimal inventory levels considering specific size-curve profiles, seasonal styles, display stock, events, and promotions.

Cut costs Eliminate planning errors to minimise supply chain cost Logo

Cut costs Eliminate planning errors to minimise supply chain cost

Precisely plan thousands of SKUs for optimal initial allocation, consistently achieving accuracy from the outset. Obtain comprehensive network visibility to enable responsive replenishment, thereby mitigating excess inventory and minimizing markdowns.

Reduce your environmental impact Cut waste & Co2 emissions throughout your operation Logo

Reduce your environmental impact Cut waste & Co2 emissions throughout your operation

Ensure the best customer experience with optimal stock levels. Implement fast and efficient replenishment across your network to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate landfill waste by minimizing obsolescence.


Minimize waste Ensure product freshness with minimal shrinkage

Improve profitability Boost sales through better product availability Logo

Improve profitability Boost sales through better product availability

Achieve perfect synchronization of supply with day-to-day demand patterns. Optimize inventory processes to consistently deliver high levels of availability while minimizing cost-to-serve.

Efficient planning Automate planning across your entire assortment Logo

Efficient planning Automate planning across your entire assortment

Precisely strategize promotions, events, and emerging trends at the granular SKU/location level. Consider expiry dates, seasonality, and evolving product lifecycles to mitigate excess and waste effectively.

Improve customer satisfaction Exceed customer expectations with exceptional product freshness Logo

Improve customer satisfaction Exceed customer expectations with exceptional product freshness

Implement dynamic allocation and replenishment strategies across your network to ensure customers receive the freshest products while maintaining tight control over inventory levels.


Enhance profitability Increase sales through improved availability while reducing supply chain costs

Cut costs Optimised-decision making to minimise supply chain costs Logo

Cut costs Optimised-decision making to minimise supply chain costs

Calculate the optimal inventory level considering target service levels, supplier constraints, freight costs, and volume discounts to achieve cost-effectiveness.

Efficient planning Utilise data-driven insights to quickly plan 000s SKUs Logo

Efficient planning Utilise data-driven insights to quickly plan 000s SKUs

Automatically incorporate specific demand profiles, seasonality, and evolving product lifecycles to swiftly generate robust forecasts for every item in your assortment.

Improve reliability Prioritise your most important products to hit service level targets with less stock  Logo

Improve reliability Prioritise your most important products to hit service level targets with less stock

Ensure exceptional reliability with responsive, exception-based alerts that enable your team to promptly address supply chain disruptions.


Maximize availability Ensure the continuity of your mining operation while reducing operational costs

Prevent stock-outs Minimise risk of disruption with industry-leading levels of availability Logo

Prevent stock-outs Minimise risk of disruption with industry-leading levels of availability

Strike the perfect balance between optimized supply chain costs and flawless availability. Our robust supply chain planning platform autonomously evaluates target service levels, consumption rates, lead times, and supplier reliability to confidently anticipate your inventory requirements.<br />

Optimise working capital Unlock cash tied up in stock Logo

Optimise working capital Unlock cash tied up in stock

Reduce inventory levels by up to 25% to lower costs and release working capital. Utilize data-driven insights to minimize excess stock and waste, prioritizing investment in critical SKUs crucial to your mining operation.

Improve efficiency Automate your inventory management process Logo

Improve efficiency Automate your inventory management process

Let the machine do the heavy lifting. Eliminate firefighting with responsive, exception-based workflows to ensure a reliable supply of spare parts and materials. Dynamically adjust inventory levels for thousands of SKUs with minimal manual intervention, saving time and money.


Industry-Leading Service Set the benchmark for availability while minimizing supply chain costs

Improve customer satisfaction Prevent stockouts & backorders to offer customers total reliability Logo

Improve customer satisfaction Prevent stockouts & backorders to offer customers total reliability

Consider emerging trends, evolving product lifecycles, and key customer orders to create more robust forecasts. Achieve perfect synchronization of supply and demand to ensure flawless availability, preventing lost sales, excess inventory, and waste.

Boost efficiency Streamline supply chain processes to attain operational excellence Logo

Boost efficiency Streamline supply chain processes to attain operational excellence

Automate inventory processes for rapid and accurate planning of thousands of SKUs. Eliminate firefighting with responsive, exception-based workflows that enable your team to concentrate on the most critical tasks.

Cut costs Free up cash tied up in stock & reduce operational costs Logo

Cut costs Free up cash tied up in stock & reduce operational costs

Balance inventory across your network to ensure consistently high availability while freeing up cash tied up in stock. Optimize purchase orders with data-driven insights by considering supplier calendars, freight costs, and demand volatility.


Build a more sustainable supply chain Eliminate waste throughout your paper and packaging operation

Free up working capital Unlock cash tied up in stock Logo

Free up working capital Unlock cash tied up in stock

Invest in the products that matter most. Maintain high availability on key lines while freeing up cash to invest in other areas of your business.

Improve customer satisfaction Set the industry standard in service Logo

Improve customer satisfaction Set the industry standard in service

Eliminate planning errors to achieve service level targets with less stock. Dynamically optimize safety stock to provide customers with unmatched reliability.

Reduce your carbon footprint Cut waste throughout your operation Logo

Reduce your carbon footprint Cut waste throughout your operation

Collaborate seamlessly with supply chain partners to optimize delivery schedules, minimizing carbon emissions and logistics costs.


World-Class Service Build a more resilient operation

Reduce costs Streamline supply chain process to cut costs Logo

Reduce costs Streamline supply chain process to cut costs

Develop more cost-efficient processes to enhance patient care while eliminating waste and excess throughout your operation.

Responsive planning Accurately forecast demand for every SKU Logo

Responsive planning Accurately forecast demand for every SKU

Consider dynamic service level targets, product expiry dates, and evolving product lifecycles to swiftly determine the optimal inventory levels for every product in your assortment.

Improve Reliability Minimise the impact of supply chain volatility Logo

Improve Reliability Minimise the impact of supply chain volatility

Monitor supplier performance to anticipate potential supply chain disruptions proactively. Foster seamless collaboration with suppliers, partners, and customers to safeguard the availability of critical products.


Industry-leading service Achieve flawless availability with reduced stock

Improve customer satisfaction Exceed customer expectations with exceptional service Logo

Improve customer satisfaction Exceed customer expectations with exceptional service

Dynamically adjust service level targets to achieve maximum availability with minimal stock. Consider evolving product lifecycles, seasonality, and volatility to calculate optimal inventory levels for every SKU instantly.

Boost efficiency Automate routine inventory processes to save time & money Logo

Boost efficiency Automate routine inventory processes to save time & money

Accurately plan thousands of SKUs with minimal manual intervention. Enhance efficiency across your network with responsive, exception-based workflows that prioritize critical tasks.

Eliminate waste Minimise excess & obsolesce as you cut CO2 emissions Logo

Eliminate waste Minimise excess & obsolesce as you cut CO2 emissions

Optimize purchase orders using data-driven insights, incorporating supplier calendars, freight costs, and demand volatility. Collaborate seamlessly with supply chain partners to reduce excess and waste while minimizing carbon emissions throughout your supply chain.

Découvrez comment Slimstock peut vous aider à augmenter votre rentabilité, à réduire le gaspillage et à améliorer vos ventes.

Les clients avec lesquels nous travaillons

Retail Icon
Supermarkets Icon
Manufacturing Icon
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